Wednesday, 28 January 2015


.....previously, our Best/Worst List for 2014.....

It had been a while since we've spent time in Australia, and I realized, unexpectedly, that I really missed it! Being in Asia for so long, we had forgotten the intense beauty of Oz, especially the gorgeous colours and smells of the bush, particularly the outstanding wildflowers, and the vibrancy, diversity and arty nature of the cities. For 6 weeks, we were taken in by generous friends and family in Cairns, Brisbane, Nanango, Sydney and Melbourne and experienced funny and varied little snippets of Oz life and culture- bush walking, a live cricket match, birdwatching, uniquely Aussie BBQs, picnics in parks, op shopping, fantastic markets, garage saleing, vineyards, city cafes, opera, the Archibald Prize, rugged beaches, pubs, Dandenong rainforest, a Melbourne Cup sweep, and even lawn bowls! The highlight, though,was catching up with Sal's fabulous family and our best buddies, and it was difficult each time we had to say goodbye.

Beautiful waratah flower

Sal in the bush

Large insect on large flower

Gorgeous grevillia

Spectacular colours

Australian bushland

Wild parrot in our friend's garden

Dessert delights

Sri Lankan feast thanks to my broher and sister in law

Enjoying a beverage at the cricket, Brisbane

Rich trying his hand at bowls, Melbourne

Catching up on sleep on the plane in between hectic schedules!

Sal's beloved Melbourne

People sometimes scoff when we say we need a rest from all our moving around the place. But as wonderful as traveling is, the fact is sometimes we have a hectic and energetic schedule (as in the last year and a half) and we feel the need for a break. For us, the perfect place for this, is our old favorite, Ko Fruitpoia. Much has been talked about this place on other posts, but this year was particularity fantastic, so much so we decided to stay longer than usual, and ended up there for several months. It was the people, really, that made it for us this year, and from the time we arrived in early November when there were only a handful of guests, right through to the busy, more populous high season, we met so many hugely entertaining and brilliantly unique new friends as well as many from previous years. They were all there in all their glory: The Long Time Travelers, The Inexperienced Newbies, The Drunks, The Potheads, The Aging Lotharios, The Keen Young Pups, The Schedule Keepers, The Time Wasters, The Socially Awkward, The Extroverts, The Yoga Fanatics, The Beachbums, The Chilled Out Families, The Musicians, The Princesses, The Young, The Old and everything in between!

Tai Chi on the beach

In a dream

Great friends

Enjoying the serenity

Queen D getting creative

R's new look

Getting artistic

A lonely beach

By far, this year was the time for music. We were so privileged to have many first class musos amongst the guests, and many an afternoon and countless evenings were spent listening to, and joining in with songs and laughter. A hugely special added bonus was Queen D at her very best, with her happiness manifesting in some amazing sea gypsy song sessions, including some written just for us!

Feeling inspired

Full of energy

Hard working hands

In her element

And, of course, there were the sunsets......I tried to choose just a few, but every day is different and beautiful, so I've been indulgent!

To say these last few months have given us great happiness and inspiration would be an understatement! We've truly been revitalized and rejuvenated by the good energy of so many uplifting people, and ready to take on the world (or at least some of it!)

Happy and healthy up, Chinese Remedies and Jungle Melodies.......


  1. Perfectly captured :)

  2. I feel quite moved reading this - thank you Richard and Sally, meeting you two has been one of my highlights - hope to see you on Ko Fruitopia again before too long….! Much love, annie xxx

  3. The places like such natural settings depicted can set the stage for creative arts for travelers who recoup and gain inspiration for various ways of interpreting the movement of place and people as ephemera within the stability of a loved place and people. Thanks for the placing this post.
